Prof. RNDr. Rene Hudec, CSc.

Prof. RNDr. Rene Hudec, CSc.

Prof. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc.

DATE OF BIRTH: July 28, 1951

PRESENT POSITION: Professor for Applied Physics, Czech Technical University, Prague. Senior Scientist, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute, High Energy Astrophysics Group.

RESEARCH AREA: Space science and engineering, Designer of space and ground-based experiments and instrumentation with emphasis on novel X-ray optics and X-ray telescopes. Involvement in space satellite projects such as ESA INTEGRAL, Gaia, SMILE, THESEUS and LOFT. Related novel and advanced material research, science and engineering, nanotechnologies. High-energy astrophysics.

EDUCATION: 1970 Graduated Technical School for General Engineering,

1975 Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague Physics/Astrophysics

1978 RNDr. Charles University Prague

1981 PhD. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Prague

2006 Habilitation at the Czech Technical University in Prague (Applied Physics)


Co-investigator and member of consortia ESA INTEGRAL OMC (Optical Monitoring Camera) and ESA INTEGRAL ISDC (INTEGRAL Science and Data Center).
Co-investigator and consortium member, ESA THESEUS  proposal for ESA Cosmic Vision M5
ESA/NASA/JAXA IXO project, Member of IXO Telescope Working Group (now ATHENA)
ESA Gaia, Member of CU7 Coordination Unit
Projects of robotic telescopes for monitoring and analyses of optical counterparts of HE sources, blazars and other objects (BART, BOOTES)
EU FP7 project GLORIA (networking of robotic telescopes)
Wide national and international consortium and collaboration on use and digitization of astronomical photographic data archives
Wide national (managing a consortium of 8 institutes and companies developing novel X-ray optics for space) and international collaborations (various collaborative research projects with Tuorla Observatory, Bamberg Observatory, Sonneberg Observatory, INAF Bologna, ESA ESTEC, NASA GSFC, University of Durham UK, CfA Cambridge USA, Leiden Observatory, MPE Garching, INAF Trieste, IAA Granada, etc.)
Consortium member, ESA THESEUS, ESA SMILE, ESA GRIPS. Member of 3 scientific working groups ESA THESEUS.


EU Horizon 2020 Projects AHEAD Integrated Activities in High Energy Astrophysics I. and II. PI of Czech participation. AHEADII will start on March 2, 2020.
PRODEX ESA THESEUS Czech participation in THESEUS, phase A.



Supervisor of 14 Diploma Thesis and 6 PhD Dissertations,
Associated Professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague
Courses and seminars at Universities: Charles University Prague, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Technical University in Prague, Leiden University, Utah University Logan, Pennsylvania State University, University Erlangen, University Wurzburg, WAT Warszawa.
Supervisor of Student Project Investigation of Gamma-Ray Bursts in AV CR Program Otevřená věda III. IV and V (Open Science III, IV and V)
Supervisor of award-winning student project Jugend Forscht, Germany, 2012
Lecturer of Space Engineering at the CTU in Prague




Author and co-author of 805 scientific publications (including 277 papers in refereed journals) listed in the NASA ADS system. 333 papers listed in the  Web of Science Core Collection. H index 27.



Asteroid 15399 named Hudec

Distinguished Faculty Research Affiliate, Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, USA, 2012


Organization of large national and international collaborations in the research area of experimental high energy astrophysics. Organization of related international conferences and workshops. Scientific analyses of data archives. Organization of major events in Prague, the AXRO International conferences on X-ray optics (yearly), and in Karlovy Vary, the IBWS international workshops, yearly,,



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