Mgr. Radka Symonová, Ph.D.

Mgr. Radka Symonová, Ph.D.

CV - Radka Symonová, born on the 19th February 1980 in Pardubice, Czechoslovakia Nationality: Czech; Citizenship: Czech Republic


2017 – University Hradec Kralove, Department of Biology, Head of “Evolutionary Cytogenomics”

2015-2017 Research Institute for Limnology, University of Innsbruck, Mondsee, Austria, Head of Research group “Molecular evolutionary ecology”

2009-2015 Postdoc, Laboratory of Fish Genetics, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Libechov, Czech Academy of Sciences

2008-2014 Researcher, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague

2005-2008 Marie Curie Research Training Network, FP6-512492: Sex to Asex: A Case Study on Transitions and Coexistence between Sexual and Asexual Reproduction, PhD position, Ludwig-Maximillian’s University (LMU), Munich, Germany


2017 – Habilitation procedure initiated at the University Innsbruck

2004-2009 Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, PhD in Biology/Zoology

2005-2008 EU Marie Curie Research Training Network, FP6 - MRTN-CT-2004-512492, PhD position at the LMU, Munich, Germany, Dept. of Human Genetics


2003 Erasmus-Socrates Fellowship, Greenwich University, London, Great Britain, 5 months, training in environmental sciences and Quaternary geology, V/39/2003

1998-2004 Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, MSc. in Zoology

Languages:    Czech – mother tongue                    English – C2            German – C2          


Most important scientific stays and visits (selected)

2016 University Laval, Quebec City, Canada, 2x 1 month

2015 University of the Faroe Islands, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 3 weeks, field work

2014 The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, EMBO Fellowship ASTF390–2014

2011, 2013 University Innsbruck, ILIM, Mondsee, Austria, short visits, Project AKTION

2012, 2013 Universidad Juarez Autonoma Tabasco, Villahermosa, Mexico, 1 month each year

Most important peer review activities (selected)

Genes, Molecular Ecology, Frontiers Physiology, Cytogenetics and Genome Research, Naturwissen-schaften, J of Fish Biology, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Biological J of the Linnaean Society, Neotropical Ichthyology, J of Veterinary Science & Technology, J of Marine Biology and Research.

Reviewing of student qualification works (selected)

PhD Thesis, the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, M.Knytl: Cytogenetics of European species of the genus Carassius (Nilsson, 1832): an analysis of individuals with different ploidy levels, 2013 (R. Symonova member of the PhD committee); MSc Thesis, the Masaryk University, Brno, D.Vyravsky: Microdistribution of ostracods on a heterogenous helocrene spring, 2016; MSc Thesis, the Masaryk University, Brno, O.Novacek: Structure of ostracod taxocenoses along the mineral gradient of spring biotopes, 2010; BSc Thesis, the Charles University, Prague, M.Altmanova: Evolution of sex chromosomes and karyotypes in iguanids (Squamata), 2011; BSc Thesis, the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters of the University of South Bohemia, Budweis, H.Sachlova: Impact of interspecies hybridization on fitness of acipenserid fishes, 2014; BSc Thesis, the Charles University, Prague, T.Varil: Karyology of selected species of pseudoscorpionids of the genus Neobisium, 2007.

Most important recognition received

2016 Invitation by editors of the special issue “Gar genome” of the Journal of Experimental Zoology B to contribute to this issue with 2 manuscripts

2015 “Canada Price” of the Center of Canadian Studies of the University Innsbruck

2014 EMBO fellowship, the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, 2 months

2013 Invitation by the editor of the special issue Molecular Cytogenetics of Fishes of the Cytogenetic and Genome Research to contribute to this issue

2009 Recognition by the Rector of the Charles University in Prague, for co-authorship on the study "Matzke-Karasz R, Smith RJ, Symonová R, CG Miller & P Tafforeau. 2009. Sexual intercourse involving giant sperm in Cretaceous ostracode. Science 324 (5934): 1535"

2005-2007 Fellowship in the EU Marie Curie Research Training Network “SexAsex - a case study on interactions between sexual and asexual reproduction, no. MRTN-CT-2004-512492

2003 Erasmus-Socrates Scholarship, University of Greenwich, London, no. V/39/02-03

Most important research projects funded (selected)

2017 Evolutionary importance and dynamics of multiplied rDNA sites in fish genomes (Tyrol. Science Fund)

2015-2016 Fish Epigenetics as a tool in genome evolution research, NWF15/BIO-7 (young researcher fellowship of the University Innsbruck)

2014-2016 Ploidy and hybrid diversity in sturgeons (Acipenseriformes) and its impact on conservation and breeding. Czech Science Foundation No.14-02940S (co-PI)

2013-2014 Molecular Cytogenetics in Teleost Fishes (Coregoninae and Cyprinidae). Project

AKTION of Austrian-Czech collaboration. Nos. 68p6, 69p15 (PI on the Czech side)


2012-2013 Molecular-cytogenetic analyses of genomes of sturgeons, paddlefishes and gars – living witnesses of ancient evolutionary experiments with the earliest vertebrate genome, Czech Republic – Mexico, bilateral, No. CZ/MEX 003MX2011 (PI on the Czech side)

2011-2013 Allopolyploidization as a key factor in genome evolution of basal vertebrates´ lineages. National Czech Science Foundation, post-doctoral project, no. P506/11/P596 (PI) Based on the project results and outputs, this project was evaluated as “excellent”.

2009-2013 Relationships of ploidy level, genome and cell size in model polyploid fish with cytol. and physiol. impacts on conservation and culture. Czech Science Foundation, 523/08/0824 (team member)

2004-2006 Development of reproductive modes of European freshwater ostracods in Holocene and their recent distribution. Junior Project of the Grant Agency of the Charles University 186/2004 (PI)


KBI/PSVYB Developmental Biology, University Hradec Kralove, since 2017

KBI/PHYDB Hydrobiology, University Hradec Kralove, since 2017

KBI/PBVBE Biology of Aquatic Invertebrates, University Hradec Kralove, since 2017

747001-747002 Genome evolution, University Innsbruck 2 weeks course, since 2015, Introduction of a 1-week “Student Project” instead of practicals, based on meta-analysis of published cytogenetic data

743 502 History of Biology, University Innsbruck, 2015-2016

MB170P09 Invertebrate Zoology, practicals, semestral course, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, 4hours blocks/week, in years 2009-2014 & MB170T24 Field course in zoology, 2010-2012

MB17C12/ MG422C04 Introduction to Molecular Paleontology, course, Charles University in Prague, in years 2009-2012, R. Symonová was the guarantee of this 1 semester course & MG420P02 Geobiology I., semestral course, part “Molecular Palaeontology”, Charles University in Prague, since 2013

Bi8750 Crustaceology, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno, 1-day block lecture, 2014

0 (Co)Supervised BSc and PhD Theses

1 PhD Thesis supervised at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (2011-2017) by Zuzana Majtanova: Molecular cytogenetics of selected actinopterygian fishes: insight from repetitive sequences to whole genome analyses.

1 PhD Thesis co-supervised at the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague (2011-2016) by Alexandr Sember: Evolutionary-ecological questions related with dynamics of repetitive sequences and with occurrence of polyploidy.

1 BSc Thesis supervised at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (2011, in Czech) by Martina Teliscakova: Archeogenetics in phylogeny of frogs.

1 BSc Thesis supervised at the University Innsbruck (2017) by Lukas Ajchler: Unterscheidung von Carassius gibelio und C.carassius anhand morphologischer und molekularer Daten im Hinsicht auf eventuelle Invasivität von C. gibelio und Artenschutz von C. carassius

1 BSc Thesis co-supervised at the University Innsbruck (2017) by Andreas Meindl: Unterscheidung von Carassius carassius und C. gibelio unter Anwendung morphometrischer und molekular-zytogenetischer Methoden mit dem Fokus auf die Gefährdung des Artbestandes des C. carassius

Supervision of 1 young scientist: Martin Knytl, PhD during his 5-months Fellowship of the Czech Ministry of Education Initiative in the Laboratory of Fish Genetics at the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Libechov, Czech Republic, 2014;

Supervision of 2 students within the framework of the Program for talented students of the Czech Academy of Sciences (1 year)

Conference oral communications (selected)

Symonová R, Wanzenböck J, Lamatsch D. 2015. Coregonines – a model system for speciation. Austrian Limnological Society, Illmitz, Austria

Dion-Cȏté A-M, Symonova R presenter, Rab P, Bernatchez L.2014.Extreme heterochromatin polymorphism in nascent species of C.clupeaformis from three North American post-glacial lakes. The 12th International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes, Irkutsk, Russia

Symonová R, Kořínková T, Amemyia CT, Howell MW, Flajšhans M, Gela D, Rábová M, Ráb P. 2014. Physical mapping of paralogs of Hox paralogs in duplicated genome of the North American Paddlefish. 21st International Colloqium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping, Ischia, Italy

Symonová R, M Flajšhans, A Sember, M Havelka, D Gela, T Kořínková, M Rodina, M Rábová, P Ráb. 2013. Molecular cytogenetics of hybrid and highly polyploid sturgeons. The 7th International Symposium on Sturgeons, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Symonová R, Majtánová Z, Kořínková T, Jankun M, Dion-Côté A-M, Bernatchez L, Ráb P. 2012. Chromosomal characteristics of rDNA genes in salmonid fishes: trends in their patterns and evolution, the 20th International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping, Cordoba, Spain

Symonová R, Majtánová Z, Sember A, Staaks GBO, Freyhof J & P Ráb. 2011. Karyological and molecular cytogenetic analysis of C.albula and C.fontanae. 11th International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes, Mondsee, Austria

Symonová R, Fuková I, Paar J, Lamatsch DK, Matzke-Karasz R & S Müller. 2009. Non-marine Ostracods´ Genome Evolution: Karyotypic instability and inter-population genomic differences in non-marine ostracods showing geographical parthenogenesis. Meeting of the British Micropal. Society, Downe, UK

Symonová R, Matzke-Karasz R & S Müller. 2007. Cytogenetic studies on reproductive modes of freshwater ostracods. Paradox of Sexual Reproduction, EAWAG Zurich, Switzerland  

Invited lectures in abroad (selected)

2017 Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Dept. of Biology and Evolution, Naples, Italy

2016 University Laval, Quebec City, Canada: Chromosomal studies in the post-genomic era: development in once stable cytogenetic marker.

2014 The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø: Molecular cytogenetics in fishes.

2013 Research Institute for Limnology, Mondsee, Austrian Academy of Sciences: Coregonids as model system in genome differentiation study - an insight from molecular cytogenetics.

2012-13 Universidad Juarez Autonoma Tabasco, Tenosique, Mexico


List of publications with IF

(22. Morim T, Arai R, Garcia S, Sochorová J, Ocalewicz, Kovařík A, Symonová R. Esox 5S rDNA CNV across Holarctis and ecological influence on cytogenomic evolution, TB submitted February 2018)

21. Symonová R, William M. Howell. Invited review, submitted. Fish cytogenomics and vertebrate genome evolution.

20. Symonová R, Fuková I, Lamatsch DK, Matzke-Karasz R, Paar J, Schmit O, Müller S. submitted. Karyotype variability and inter-population genomic differences in freshwater ostracods (Crustacea) showing geographical parthenogenesis.

19. Sochorová J., Garcia S., Galvez F., Symonová R., Kovařík A. in press. Evolutionary trends in animal ribosomal DNA loci: introduction to a new online database. Chromosoma.

18. Symonová R., Ocalewicz K., Kirtiklis L., Delmastro G., Pelikánová Š., Kovařík A. 2017. Higher-order organisation of extremely amplified, potentially functional and massively methylated 5S rDNA in European pikes (Esox sp.). BMC Genomics 18:391 DOI 10.1186/s12864-017-3774-7

17. Symonová R, Havelka M, Amemiya CT, Howell WM, Kořínková T, Flajšhans M, Gela D,  Ráb P. 2017. Molecular cytogenetic differentiation of paralogs of Hox paralogs in duplicated and re-diploidized genome of the North American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). BMC Genetics 18(1):19

16. Majtánová Z.*, Symonová R.*‡, Arias-Rodrigues L., Sallan L., Ráb P. 2017. "Holostei versus Halecostomi" problem: insight from cytogenetics of ancient non-teleost actinopterygian fish, bowfin Amia calva. Journal of Experimental Zoology B DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22720 *these authors contributed equally, ‡corresponding author

15. Symonová R., Majtanová Z., Arias-Rodriguez L., Mořkovský L., Kořínková T., Cavin L., Johnson-Pokorná M., Doležálková M., Flajšhans M., Normandeau E., Meyer A, Ráb P., Bernatchez L. 2016. Genome Compositional Organization in Gars Shows More Similarities to Mammals than to Other Ray-Finned Fish. Journal of Experimental Zoology B DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22719

14. Dion-Côté A.-M., Symonová R., Lamaze F., Pelikánová Š., Ráb P., Bernatchez L. 2016. Standing chromosomal variation associated with rapid divergence between nascent Lake Whitefish species. Molecular Ecology - Special Issue: The Molecular Mechanisms of Adaptation and Speciation: Integrating Genomic and Molecular Approaches. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13816

13. Havelka M., Bytyuskyy D., Symonová R., Rab P., Flajshans M. 2016. The second highest chromosome count among vertebrates is observed in cultured sturgeon and is associated with genome plasticity. Genetics Selection Evolution 48:12 doi. 10.1186/s12711-016-0194-0

12. Majtánová Z., Choleva L., Symonová R., Ráb P., Kotus J., Pekárik L., Janko K. 2016. Asexual Reproduction Does Not Apparently Increase the Rate of Chromosomal Evolution: Karyotype Stability in Diploid and Triploid Clonal Hybrid Fish (Cobitis, Cypriniformes, Teleostei). PLoS One 11(1): e0146872 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146872 R. Symonová participated as supervisor of Z. Majtanova PhD Thesis

11. Sember A., Bohlen J., Šlechtová V., Altmanová M., Symonová R., Ráb P. 2015. Karyotype differentiation in 19 species of river loach fishes (Nemacheilidae, Teleostei): Extensive variability associated with rDNA and heterochromatin distribution and its phylogenetic and ecologic interpretation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:251 doi 10.1186/s12862-015-0532-9 R. Symonová participated as co-supervisor of A. Sember PhD Thesis

10. Symonová R., Sember A., Majtánová Z., Ráb P. 2015.  Characterization of fish genomes by GISH and CGH. In: C. Ozouf-Costaz, E. Pisano, F. Foresti, L. Foresti de Almeida Toledo: Fish Cytogenetic techniques (Teleosts and Chondrichthyans). CRC Press, Book Chapter, pp. 118-131

9. Dion-Côté A.-M., Symonová R., Ráb P., Bernatchez L. 2015. Reproductive isolation in a nascent species pair is associated with aneuploidy in hybrid offspring. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20142862. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2862 

8. Matzke-Karasz R., Neil J., Smith R.J., Symonová R., Mořkovský L., Archer M., Hand S., Cloetens P.,  Tafforeau P. 2014. Subcellular preservation in giant ostracod sperm from an early Miocene cave deposit in Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281: 20140394. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0394

7. Symonová R., Flajšhans M., Sember A., Kořínková T., Gela D., Rodina M., Rábová M., Ráb P. 2013.  Molecular cytogenetics in artificial hybrid and highly polyploid sturgeons: an evolutionary story narrated by repetitive sequences. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 141:153 -162 DOI:10.1159/000354882

6. Knytl M., Kalous L., Symonová R., Rylková K., Ráb P. 2013. Chromosome studies of European cyprinid fishes: Cross-species painting reveals natural allotetraploid origin of a Carassius female with 206 chromosomes. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 139: 276-283 DOI: 10.1159/000350689

5. Symonová R., Majtánová Z., Sember A., Staaks G.B.O., Bohlen J., Freyhof J., Rábová M., Ráb P. 2013. Genome differentiation in a species pair of coregonine fishes: an extremely rapid speciation driven by stress-activated retrotransposons mediating extensive ribosomal DNA multiplications. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13: 42 DOI:10.1186/1471-2148-13-42

4. Bruvo R., Adolfsson S., Symonová R., Lamatsch D.K., Schön I., Jokela J., Butlin R.K., Müller S. 2011. Few parasites, and no evidence for Wolbachia infections, in a freshwater ostracod inhabiting temporary ponds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102(1):208–216.

3. Symonová R. and Smrž J. 2009. The first record of free cells in freshwater ostracods. Journal of Crustacean Biology 29(1):18-25.

2. Matzke-Karasz R., Smith R.J., Symonová R., Miller C.G., Tafforeau P. 2009. Sexual intercourse involving giant sperm in Cretaceous ostracode. Science 324:1535.

1. Symonová R. 2007. Ultrastructure of hepatopancreas and its possible role as a haematopoietic organ in nonmarine cypridoidean ostracods (Crustacea). Hydrobiologia 585(1):213-223.


Peer-reviewed publications without IF (selected)

Symonová R. 2017. Genome research in the light of evolution. Editorial. Journal of Genome

Symonová R. 2009. Microanatomy and cytogenetics of non-marine ostracods – an insight into evolutionary biology of their reproductive modes. PhD Thesis, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 161.

Kovanda J, Horáček I, & R Symonová. 2005. Pátek, Levousy and Chlumčany –important mid-pleistocene localities on the right bank of the Ohře River between Louny and Libochovice. Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 3, 89-112. (in Czech with an English abstract)

Symonová R. 2004. Microanatomy of non-marine ostracods. Master Thesis, Charles University Prague, pp.86. (in Czech)

Symonová R. 2001. Preliminary report on research of ostracod fauna of the Cejc Lake. Czech geological Report for 2001, 10-110 (in Czech with an English abstract)

Symonová R. 1999. Paleontological study of the locality Vamberk. Panorama: 7:45-49 (in Czech)

Symonová R. 1998. Middle-Turonian sediments in Vamberk. Czech Academy of Sciences Journal "Živa" 6:281-282 (in Czech with an English summary)



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