DESCARTES, v.o.s. si vyhrazuje právo změnit termín konání akce, pokud bude nutné. O změně termínu se účastníci dozví s dostatečným časovým předstihem prostřednictvím pozvánky.
In this seminar, we will look at the different regions of the United States and compare them in-depth. First, we will look at their history – who the major demographic groups were and why they settled there. Next, we will see how these diasporas contributed to the food, traditions and culture of the region, as well as how this affected their use of the English language. We will also discuss the current micro-cultures in the major cities of these regions. There will then be a brief discussion of the ever-changing nature of English worldwide and what effects we could see in the future.
Osnova akce
Teachers will gain a greater depth of understanding for the diverse use of English in the United States and implement this cultural awareness in their instruction.
Seminář je určen především učitelům anglického jazyka. Bude probíhat v angličtině