DESCARTES, v.o.s. si vyhrazuje právo změnit termín konání akce, pokud bude nutné. O změně termínu se účastníci dozví s dostatečným časovým předstihem prostřednictvím pozvánky.
Approaching English Teaching for Students with Special Needs: Creating discourse on how to mentor, guide, and help students with special needs thrive in their English learning.
In this seminar, we will discuss the needs of students with special needs, including their psychological development, common conditions and external factors, with many personal examples given and discussed. We will then discuss a variety of strategies that can be implemented to help them thrive, specifically within English classes, including things to avoid, things to implement, and things to improve. This will include differentiated classroom management and instruction, personalized approaches to content, and how to be an effective and trusted mentor.
Teachers will be able to implement new, practical, effective strategies to help their students with special needs and form better relationships with these students.
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Seminář je určen především učitelům anglického jazyka. Bude probíhat v angličtině